The only store completely dedicated to LEGO D&D and Pathfinder! Serving players and DMs alike, since 2019!

Overdue updates are now in progress! Soooooo many! IT'S HAPPENING!

by Tim Redmond

So much stuff is coming! So. Much. Stuff. I have already started listing dragons and even more PC Parts, but this is just the tip of the iceberg!

It is all assembled on the photography table, I just need to get it photographed and listed in the coming month, so there will be updates literally every single day for the next month or so - that's just how much is coming!

Off the top of my head... Dragons, Grick, Grell, new Zombies, MEGALODON!, Iron Golems, Wood Golems, Wyvern, LOTS OF DROW, Tabaxi, Tortles, Bearkin, Ratfolk, Half-orc, Half-ogre, Eladrin, Halflings, Tieflings, Dragonborn, GITH, jesters, giant (rideable!) bats, at least 20 variations on existing monsters. *pause to catch my breath* Zombie Unicorns!, Quicklings, Sprites, Flying Snakes, Pixies (so tiny!), Shambling Mounds, Giant Venus Flytraps, Blights, over 150 MORE heads, over 50 more torsos, over 20 more legs, OVER 60 more complete outfits, giant goats, giant eagles, giant vultures, juvenile rocs, more weapons and armor (really cool stuff!), and maybe, just maybe, we'll get to the pile of giants that we've been designing since around September...

OK, now take the list above and pretty much double it. Yep. This is by far the biggest addition to the site since we opened for business last year and we are uber-excited. It took a while for us to work out the kinks on the site, and to learn to organize and manage our inventory, and to gather our ideas together, but now we are expanding and then some, so hang in there and keep checking back - we can pretty much guarantee that there will be new stuff when you do!

Now if only I had time to redesign the homepage...

Coming Soon - Idea Gallery and LEGO Dnd How-To

by Tim Redmond

I'll be honest... 'Coming Soon' could mean 2 weeks or 9 months at this point. But I have decided that it would be cool to have a basic tutorial on setting up D&D scenarios with LEGO, and it would also be cool to have an idea gallery for inspiration.

I think the idea gallery will be more practical than fantastical. I think the internet is filled with awesome LEGO creations for D&D - if you have $1000 budget and 80 hours of time for building. I'm going to try to focus more on practical approached to making affordable scenes that still make for great LEGO D&D experiences.

I'm not going to say 'Keep Checking Back!', instead I'm going to say 'Keep bugging me about it!'. :)

Huge update to hair!

by Tim Redmond

The first of many massive PC/NPC overhauls is done!

Not only did we DOUBLE the number of different hair pieces available for sale on the site, we also added a great new way to narrow your choices down by selecting gender, color, and style. Instead of having to sort through the entire selection of hair to find what you want, you can now make 1-2 easy selections in the hair category filters, and it will instantly remove everything that does not match your criteria.

You can now find exactly what you want for your PC/NPC in a matter of seconds.

Check it out!

And the best part is that we will be extending this functionality to all legs and torsos in the coming weeks, so creating a PC/NPC will be far quicker and better than ever before. And of course that's not all we have in store... but that can wait until our next update!


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