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Monsters and NPCs

Lawful Evil, Underdark, Large, Undead, Challenge: 2
We offer these with your choice of horns. Minotaur skeletons do not come with a weapon.

Chaotic Evil, Underdark, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 3
Our new design for 2020 allows the LEGO 'minotaur' heads to be used for yakfolk, while the more bullish Brick Warriors heads and horns can be used for...
Out of stock

Chaotic Evil, Underdark, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 3
Out of stock

Chaotic Evil, Underdark, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 3
Out of stock

1 item(s)

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Mechanus), Medium, Construct, Challenge: 1/4
This cute little fellow is just waiting to kill you.
10 item(s)

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Mechanus), Medium, Construct, Challenge: 1/8
10 item(s)

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Mechanus), Large, Construct, Challenge: 2
7 item(s)

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Mechanus), Medium, Construct, Challenge: 1
6 item(s)

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Mechanus), Medium, Construct, Challenge: 1/2
This is the most complicated of the modrons to build! We worked very hard to come up with something that is actually shaped like an inverted pyramid.
9 item(s)

not LEGO, Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
Photo colors are a little off - body is reddish brown and hands/feet are yellow.
4 item(s)

LEGO, Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
The parts are all LEGO, although the body is painted.
2 item(s)

Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
1 item(s)

Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
2 item(s)

I do not know why it took me so long to make this connection, but Gollum IS a Morlock, quite literally. He makes the best Morlock because that's what he is....
2 item(s)

Neutral, any land or water (Plane of Earth), Large, Outsider, Challenge: 5
Where the Plane of Earth borders the Plane of Water, a mixing of the fundamental elements occurs-it is in this borderland that the mud elementals dwell....
5 item(s)

Neutral, any land or water (Plane of Earth), Medium, Outsider, Challenge: 3
Where the Plane of Earth borders the Plane of Water, a mixing of the fundamental elements occurs-it is in this borderland that the mud elementals dwell....
10 item(s)

Neutral, temperate orwarm marshes or underground, Medium, Outsider, Challenge: 6
Mudlords are agile creatures made of living mud. Some are natural elemental creatures, and others were created by long-term mixing of earth and magical...
6 item(s)

Gray, Lawful Evil, Desert, Medium, Undead, Challenge: 3
3 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Desert, Medium, Undead, Challenge: 3
10 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Desert, Medium, Undead, Challenge: 3
This is very similar to the other small mummies, but it has fanciness.
1 item(s)

Black, Lawful Evil, any, Medium, Undead, Challenge: 10
2 item(s)

No Headpiece, Lawful Evil, any, Medium, Undead, Challenge: 10
1 item(s)