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Monsters and NPCs

Neutral, any underground, Medium, Aberration, Challenge: 3
The worm-like grick is a terror of the caverns and tunnels in which it dwells, lying in wait near heavily traveled underground passages or subterranean...
8 stk

Neutral, Forest, Underdark, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 7
Despite it's relatively small size, this design actually contains 29 pieces, and is one our favorite creations. It articulates well and has a high, medium,...
4 stk

Unaligned, Arctic, Coastal, Grassland, Hills, Mountain, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 2
10 stk

Chaotic Neutral, Medium, Undead, Challenge: 5
1 stk

Chaotic Neutral, Medium, Undead, Challenge: 5
I'm still not sure which version is my favorite, but it is pretty cool that LEGO actually made a jester with little skulls on it.
1 stk

Neutral Evil, Underdark, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/4
Loincloth by Brick Warriors. Gray head by Anakin Skywalker. :)
5 stk

Unaligned, Swamp, Urban, Medium, Dragon, Challenge: 2
Fjernlager - 1-3 dage

Unaligned, Desert, Urban, Medium, Dragon, Challenge: 2
2 stk

Unaligned, Forest, Urban, Medium, Dragon, Challenge: 2
2 stk

Unaligned, Mountain, Underdark, Urban, Medium, Dragon, Challenge: 2
1 stk

Unaligned, Arctic, Urban, Medium, Dragon, Challenge: 2
2 stk

Neutral Evil, Forest, Hills, Swamp, Medium, Fey, Challenge: 3
We make these with both red-brown and dark brown legs. We generally don't discriminate between the two, so if you prefer one over the other just let us know...
3 stk

Neutral Evil, Extraplanar (Lower Planes), Medium, Fiend, Challenge: 5
1 stk

Frowning, Chaotic Evil, Desert, Medium, Monstrosity, Challenge: 5
2 stk

A carefully modified LEGO horse. We remove the bridle and reins, and we also drill a hole for the horn. We think these look pretty darn cool. (As the LEGO...
7 stk

A carefully modified LEGO horse. We remove the bridle and reins, and we also drill a hole for the horn. We think these look pretty darn cool. (As the LEGO...
2 stk

Any, Any, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 5
2 stk

Any, Any, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 5
2 stk

Any, Any, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 5
1 stk

Chaotic Evil, Coastal, Forest, Hills, Mountain, Medium, Monstrosity, Challenge: 1
Fjernlager - 1-3 dage

Unaligned, Any, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
5 stk

Unaligned, Any, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
11 stk

Unaligned, Any, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
9 stk

3 stk