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Dandasukas, also known as "biters" among rakshasas, serve as spies and assassins. They often appear as part of a rakshasa's retinue or secret network. Born to manipulate and murder, they revel in their work and delight in the sight of blood. Thus, dandasukas go about their work cheerfully, laughing as they manipulate foes and butcher victims. All dandasukas are restless and energetic. They crave activity and entertainment, preferring the sick and cruel to conventional fare. Dandasuka pranks are rarely amusing for the victim. Monstrous hunger gnaws at the hyperactive dandasuka's body, making the creature crave humanoid flesh and blood. When such blood is spilled, a dandasuka is often not able to contain its fiendish appetite. It might lick a bloody blade, lap up fallen drops, or even take a bite out of a fallen foe at the expense of a more tactically sound option in a fight. A dandasuka settles for other meat when it must, but it always prefers humanoid flesh. Murder and mayhem are not the only duties of a dandasuka. Stronger rakshasas dispatch dandasukas as emissaries and servants to allies. Despite their usual disorderly habits, they bargain good-naturedly and in good faith, only implying dire consequences for noncompliance. Dandasuka negotiators efficiently take care of impasses if no favorable resolution can be reached. Similarly, dandasuka retainers serving rakshasa allies curb their fiendish ways as best they can, though their employers would still do well to keep them amused and fed. One has to be careful of keeping dandasukas too pleased, however, since they are known to take unwanted initiative because of off-hand remarks, such as idle wishes that a certain person were dead. Dandasuka greed extends from amusements and food to wealth. All dandasukas love comfort, fine clothing, and shiny baubles. Most of them wear as much jewelry as they possibly can without looking ridiculous, and some cross that line. A dandasuka is 3 feet tall and weighs 55 pounds.
Lawful Evil
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