The only store completely dedicated to LEGO D&D and Pathfinder! Serving players and DMs alike, since 2019!

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Neutral, any underground, Medium, Aberration, Challenge: 3
The worm-like grick is a terror of the caverns and tunnels in which it dwells, lying in wait near heavily traveled underground passages or subterranean...
3 item(s)

Neutral, Forest, Underdark, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 7
Despite it's relatively small size, this design actually contains 29 pieces, and is one of our favorite creations. It articulates well and has a high,...
4 item(s)

Unaligned, Arctic, Coastal, Grassland, Hills, Mountain, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 2
Mostly LEGO. The dark tail piece, the wings, and some of the body core pieces are not. I am expecting people to complain about the size, but honestly,...
9 item(s)

Chaotic Evil, cold marshes, Large, Monstrous Humanoid, Challenge: 6
Also known as black hags or iron hags, annis hags are the largest and most physically intimidating of their foul brood. Annis hags forgo much of the cunning...
2 item(s)

Chaotic Evil, cold marshes, Large, Monstrous Humanoid, Challenge: 6
Also known as black hags or iron hags, annis hags are the largest and most physically intimidating of their foul brood. Annis hags forgo much of the cunning...
2 item(s)

Neutral Evil, any land, Medium, Monstrous Humanoid, Challenge: 8
Blood hags, known to some as soucouyants, prefer to live near isolated human communities or on the edge of civilized lands. A blood hag takes the appearance...
1 item(s)

Neutral Evil, Forest, Hills, Swamp, Medium, Fey, Challenge: 3
100% LEGO, except for the hat.
2 item(s)

Neutral Evil, Extraplanar (Lower Planes), Medium, Fiend, Challenge: 5
Head and Hair are LEGO.
1 item(s)

Chaotic Evil, Coastal, Underwater, Medium, Fey, Challenge: 2
Only the hair and legs are LEGO.
5 item(s)

Chaotic Evil, anytemperate, Medium, Monstrous Humanoid, Challenge: 7
When the clouds turn gray and the winds pick up into a howl, wise travelers pray that the cause is only a natural tempest and not a storm hag. A storm hag...
2 item(s)

Chaotic Evil, cold forests or plains, Medium, Monstrous Humanoid, Challenge: 7
Winter hags are sadistic crones who haunt winter-blasted plains and rime-covered forests. A typical winter hag stands between 5 and 6 feet tall and weighs...
1 item(s)

A rare one. The gold-maned LEGO 'horse' is hard to come by. We modify it to have a horn.
1 item(s)

Chaotic Evil, Coastal, Forest, Hills, Mountain, Medium, Monstrosity, Challenge: 1
Out of stock

Unaligned, Any, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
Not an ordinary hawk. Not LEGO.
10 item(s)

Unaligned, Any, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
8 item(s)

Unaligned, Any, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
Yeah, it's kinda sort of a parrot. We know. It's pretty hawk-esque though, with the big beak and gray feathers and all. We like this LEGO design because it...
4 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Mountain, Underdark, Medium, Fiend, Challenge: 3
This piece (LEGO) is painted, and the eyes are crayon. If you want a barghest, we will make the eyes green at your request.
2 item(s)

Silver, Metallic Silver, Neutral Good, any good-aligned plane, Small, Outsider, Challenge: 2
Our most popular helmet is now back in stock! Cassisians are the weakest sort of angel, but are absolutely dedicated to the cause of good. They serve as...
60 item(s)

Black, Unaligned, Grassland, Hills, Mountain, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 1
1 item(s)

Unaligned, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
4 item(s)

Neutral, Urban, Tiny, Construct, Challenge: 0
This light bluish gray piece is not made by LEGO.
15 item(s)

Neutral, Urban, Tiny, Construct, Challenge: 0
The hexagonal baseplate is not included, although clear pieces underneath are.
3 item(s)

Neutral, Urban, Tiny, Construct, Challenge: 0
Yay! An actual LEGO homunculus!
2 item(s)