The only store completely dedicated to LEGO D&D and Pathfinder! Serving players and DMs alike, since 2019!

Monster Manual - under 50 left

by Tim Redmond

It's official! I now have 47 creatures/figures left until completion. The problem is - they are almost all big ones. 36 of the 47 are large, huge, or gargantuan. I'm going to focus on the smaller ones first, and then I'll see about the rest. I don't honestly know if I can accomplish all of these in one year, but I will certainly manage another 12 or so I think! Dragon Turtles and the Tarrasque are #46 and #47, lol.

And of course this does not mean that I won't be doing any other monsters from other books. Sometimes I just don't have the time to invest in bigger creatures so then I'll crack open one of those other volumes to see what I can come up with. I don't think I've ever officially counted the Pathfinder ones, from either version. Something for a rainy day... oh look, it's raining.

Coming Soon - Pirates and more!

by Tim Redmond

Pirates have been missing from this site for far too long. Actually I am working on all NPCs from the Monster Manual - Scouts, Bandits, Thugs, Pirates, etc. But today was all about the pirates. I just need to get them photographed and posted. I made sure to get captains, first mates, navigators, deckhands, and cabin boys, in both yellow and flesh.

I don't think I'll have any time for pirate boats any time soon, but as they say... "The journey of a lifetime begins with a single step".

My next post will probably be a countdown post - how many left until the 5e MM is complete? I think it is under 50 now, with several of those (bulette, carrion crawler) already started. I would like to do one new design every two weeks until the Monster Manual is done, but I don't know how realistic that is. Giants are still a huge problem (PUN!) and the Tarrasque is a gargantuan task as well (ANOTHER PUN!)

Back on track - ten per day!

by Tim Redmond

So for the past month and a half I have been adding 10 new products per day. It's been going really well and I'm excited to be adding so many new things. That stopped last week on Thursday because I had to leave town for 3 days. Now I'm back, and not only will I resume my "10 per day" pace, but I am going to make up for the missed days before the month is out. So it might be 15-20 per day for the rest of this month. Woohoo!

I've literally been working on everything: monsters, weapons, armor, heads, hair, torsos, legs, scenery... the site is going to be expanding in almost every category (no new boats yet) so every tie you come back you should see new stuff! I am also trying really hard to FINALLY finish off the Monster Manual in its entirety. I am working on a final version of the bulette now, with the carrion crawlers not far behind. If you have any monster requests - make them here and I'll see what I can do!

Facebook was hacked. *sigh*

by Tim Redmond

This website is 100% fine and is unaffected. The facebook page though is no longer under my control and since facebook SUCKS I am quite confident that I will never be able to get it back. I may set up a new FB page soon, but for now just ignore anything on "my" facebook page. If anyone knows of a class-action lawsuit against FB, I'm all ears. From the most recent numbers I could obtain, FB hackers access approximately 1 MILLION accounts every year in the USA alone. That is pathetic security by FB. In my case, the hackers were allowed to use an email address from over 10 years ago to access a recovery code which they then used to reset my phone, email, and password so that I have no valid recovery path. I'm still not sure how an old email was used for this, but I actually got an email to my current account that said my old email was used to log in! And of course this always happens at like 2-3:00 AM so that you are asleep and can't do anything about it until it is far too late. THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS.

Quiet July = Noisy August

by Tim Redmond

I have been really really busy this month. Life does that sometimes. But I have continued to design new things and photograph new additions for the site. I am very happy with my new brick-built troll design and I have finally started on an ogre and I will try to get them completed and on the site in 1-2 months.

I will make no specific predictions or promises, but Fall is usually my most active season for adding new things to the site, and all I will say is that this year will be no exception. I always make plans and then they always fall through, but right now August looks like a very busy month here regarding new additions. I am trying to downplay it and not get too excited.

Restock, restock, restock

by Tim Redmond

OK, sorry for the lack of new stuff but I have been in 'restocking mode'. I figured that lots of new stuff isn't much good if all of the old stuff is gone, so... Brick Warriors has been restocked as well as a few hundred other regular LEGO pieces. I am still keeping at it, with the goal of getting the out-of-stock items down to about 5% this month. Once I feel comfortable that the existing product levels are in better shape, then I'll start rolling out new parts and pieces - there is NEVER a shortage of these. ;)

Taxes are done! Let's GOOOOOOOOO

by Tim Redmond

I could say I hate taxes, but that might be too much of an understatement. My taxes really aren't even all that hard I guess, but still, spending 10 hours of my time on them feels like such a waste of a day! Now that they are once again behind me, I am more motivated than ever to get new things up. ANGELS ARE HERE. I just redesigned my redesign TODAY and I am rushing them through photography because these are by far the best angels that I have produced. The orcs should be added before April 20th as well. And as always, weapons, armor, hair, heads, etc will keep going up. Last week I added a ton of new color variations - these won't show up on the homepage because technically they aren't 'new', but a LOT of old favorites now have new colors available.

OK, We're back! (We never really left)

by Tim Redmond

St. Patrick's Day is over and so is the Clann Redmond mini-tour. I'm going to focus my energies for the remainder of the month on adding as many new things as possible. It should be a combination of creatures and minifig pieces, including a long overdue FULL ORC OVERHAUL. I don't think I'll be creating anything custom this month, but you never know. ;)

UPDATE - I created some new angels. All of them, actually:

Happy St. Patrick's Day from Adventure Bricks!

by Tim Redmond

Most people don't know this, but I'm actually a bard. My daughters and I have an Irish band, and our popularity is growing rather quickly. So this month we have 10+ shows and it takes up a lot of our time. Obviously we will still be able to handle orders, but new monsters will probably not be much of a thing until April.

Please please please like and follow Clann Redmond if you are on facebook!

More likes helps us get more shows and bigger shows. And more shows means more money to spend on LEGO! lol. Actually we're starting to drift off into bardcore and D&D/Ren music, so I would love to split my time between LEGO and music and add something else to the D&D community! :)

New monsters on the way, plus some redesigns

by Tim Redmond

So I haven't posted in a while, and I don't want anyone to think I'm not active. The truth is that I have been very active in the design/redesign department. Most of it is now through the photography stage so it's just a matter of time before I get it posted.

I've got... giant snakes, amphipteres, a complete drow overhaul, animal companions, trolls, more giant frogs, a complete mermaid-triton overhaul - and that's just the stuff that has made it through photography. I have over double that being processed right now. I finally completed a griffon last week, and I'm almost done with lamias (lamiae?).

And as always, there will be all kinds of PC parts added haphazardly whenever I can. Happy Gaming!


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