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Not made by LEGO - The shield shape is LEGO-esque, and the crown is also LEGO-esque, but LEGO only ever used this type of crown design on a triangular...
50 item(s)

3 item(s)

This is not made by LEGO. You can tell easily by the underlying shield color (white).
5 item(s)

Not made by LEGO - The shield shape is LEGO-esque, and the eagle is also LEGO-esque, but LEGO only ever used this type of design on a triangular shield.
29 item(s)

1 item(s)

This is not made by LEGO. You can tell easily by the color of the dragon and the underlying shield color (white).
21 item(s)

Modern Art!
1 item(s)

Not made by LEGO - The shield is LEGO-esque, and the lion is also LEGO-esque, but LEGO only ever used this type of lion design on a triangular shield.
7 item(s)

1 item(s)

4 item(s)

9 item(s)

Made by Mega Bloks, not LEGO.
21 item(s)

Made by Mega Bloks, not LEGO. I'm not really sure what the deal is with the frosted look, but I have multiple shields like this, so it appears to be...
7 item(s)

1 item(s)

1 item(s)

9 item(s)

1 item(s)

2 item(s)

2 item(s)

Dark Red
Not made by LEGO.
6 item(s)

This is not LEGO. This is a copy of a LEGO design but on a shield type that LEGO never made. (The LEGO version is a smaller flat shield, and was...
16 item(s)

Vikings! This comes with a holder to fit more easily in the figure's hand.
1 item(s)

20 item(s)

Not made by LEGO
27 item(s)

Vikings! This comes with a holder to fit more easily in the figure's hand.
4 item(s)

This comes with a holder to fit more easily in the figure's hand.
14 item(s)

1 item(s)

Pearl Gold
12 item(s)

Vikings! This comes with a holder to fit more easily in the figure's hand.
4 item(s)

Not made by LEGO.
18 item(s)

Flat Silver
6 item(s)

Vikings! This comes with a holder to fit more easily in the figure's hand.
6 item(s)

1 item(s)

Most small shields are 3x3. This one is 2x2, which is more of a buckler-sized shield. It comes with an extender on the back so it can connect to a...
7 item(s)

Most small shields are 3x3. This one is 2x2, which is more of a buckler-sized shield. It can attach straight to a minifigure hand.
17 item(s)

Made by Mega Bloks, not LEGO.
41 item(s)

Made by Mega Bloks, not LEGO.
3 item(s)

Not made by LEGO.
85 item(s)

I wish I knew what this was or where it was! Not LEGO.
18 item(s)

18 item(s)

4 item(s)

9 item(s)

Pearl Gold
This is not LEGO. It is easily distinguished by the pearl gold color and the fact that the quarters colors are reversed.
5 item(s)

3 item(s)