The only store completely dedicated to LEGO D&D and Pathfinder! Serving players and DMs alike, since 2019!

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Scenery and settings

I love LEGO, but Mega Bloks made better barrels.
1 item(s)

$1.70 $1.30
Reddish Brown
10 item(s)

Pearl Dark Gray
33 item(s)

Dark Brown
20 item(s)

Small and affordable.
92 item(s)

50 item(s)

49 item(s)

49 item(s)

Nom nom nom.
48 item(s)

28 item(s)

4 item(s)

Real adventurers drink from pink teapots.
8 item(s)

2 item(s)

Real adventurers drink from pink teapots.
6 item(s)

This is one of the rarer colorways for this part.
1 item(s)

It's over Anakin, I have the high ground.
3 item(s)