The only store completely dedicated to LEGO D&D and LEGO Pathfinder! Serving players and DMs alike!

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In Stock


5 item(s)

Dark Red
5 item(s)

2 item(s)

3 item(s)

This color has not been available for a long time.
7 item(s)

White, White
Bones. Every good lair needs some bones. These will also work on any hair or helmet that has a standard LEGO clip on it.
3 item(s)

It's about 2 feet tall... what could it be?
4 item(s)

The egg of evil. This is a color never made by LEGO.
7 item(s)

It's about 2 feet tall... what could it be? Baby Dragon?
31 item(s)

This is an egg color never made by LEGO.
5 item(s)

11 item(s)

It's about 2 feet tall... what could it be?
Out of stock

It's about 2 feet tall... what could it be? Baby Dragon? This is a color never made by LEGO.
11 item(s)

It's about 2 feet tall... what could it be?
20 item(s)

It's about 2 feet tall... what could it be? This is a color never made by LEGO.
15 item(s)

10 item(s)

49 item(s)

8 item(s)

large enough to trap a minifig.
3 item(s)

12 item(s)

8 item(s)

12 item(s)