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Monsters and NPCs

Unaligned, Underdark, Medium, Plant, Challenge: 1/4
3 Artikel

Unaligned, Underdark, Medium, Plant, Challenge: 1/4
4 Artikel

Unaligned, Underdark, Medium, Plant, Challenge: 1/4
10 Artikel

Neutral Evil, Desert, Grassland, Large, Beast, Challenge: 1
A new design for 2019! This is not the same design as our Giant Eagle. We specifically altered the design to give the vulture its characteristic neck shape....
3 Artikel

Glow in the Dark, Lawful Evil, Any, Large, Undead, Challenge: 1/2
1 Artikel

Black (Not LEGO), Lawful Evil, Any, Large, Undead, Challenge: 1/2
1 Artikel

Unaligned, Urban, Large, Beast, Challenge: 1/2
3 Artikel

Black/Gold, Unaligned, Forest, Grassland, Urban, Medium, Beast, Challenge: 1/2
Clear stand is included.
13 Artikel

Black/Gold, Unaligned, Forest, Grassland, Urban, Medium, Beast, Challenge: 1/2
Clear stand is included.
7 Artikel

Neutral, any (Elemental Planes or Ethereal Plane), Tiny, Outsider, Challenge: 2
Wysps are five races of tiny elemental beings. Aether wysps were the first wysps, born of the same convergence between ethereal and elemental that spawned...
4 Artikel

Unaligned, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
Well, rats are not weasels, but they are the closest you are going to get. :)
4 Artikel

Unaligned, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
Well, rats are not weasels, but they are the closest you are going to get. :)
3 Artikel

Chaotic Neutral, any forests or plains, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 2
In their humanoid forms, wereboars tend to be stout with upturned noses, bristly hair, and a noticeable overbite. They usually have red, brown, or black...
3 Artikel

Chaotic Neutral, any forests or plains, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 2
In their humanoid forms, wereboars tend to be stout with upturned noses, bristly hair, and a noticeable overbite. They usually have red, brown, or black...
3 Artikel

Neutral Evil, warm rivers or marshes, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 3
Werecrocodiles merge the ruthless determination of a crocodile with the intelligence and adaptability of a humanoid. This fusion creates a maliciously...
1 Artikel

Lawful Evil, any land, Large, Humanoid, Challenge: 4
In humanoid form, natural weremantises are often tall and long-limbed. Many have pointy chins and brilliant green eyes that seem slightly too large for their...
1 Artikel

Neutral Good, Mountain, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/4
These are available with the standard wings, but the Brick Warriors wings are so much nicer!
2 Artikel

Neutral Good, Mountain, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/4
These are available with the standard wings, but the Brick Warriors wings are so much nicer!
2 Artikel

Chaotic Evil, any oceans or coastlines, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 3
In either humanoid or hybrid form, a wereshark is generally burly, has a mouth full of unusually large teeth, and typically has a personality that is both...
3 Artikel

Chaotic Evil, any oceans or coastlines, Large, Humanoid, Challenge: 5
In either humanoid or hybrid form, a wereshark is generally burly, has a mouth full of unusually large teeth, and typically has a personality that is both...
Nicht auf Lager

Neutral Evil, any, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 2
In humanoid form, werespiders are squat, compact, and usually have short, dark brown or black hair. Their eyes tend to be large and dark, and their fingers...
2 Artikel

Neutral Evil, any, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 2
In humanoid form, werespiders are squat, compact, and usually have short, dark brown or black hair. Their eyes tend to be large and dark, and their fingers...
1 Artikel

No Mask/Lego Head Only, Neutral Evil, any plains or swamps, Large, Humanoid, Challenge: 4
Weretigers in humanoid form have large eyes, long noses, and sharp cheekbones. Most have brown or red hair, though a few have white, black, or even...
2 Artikel

Chaotic Neutral, any land, Large, Humanoid, Challenge: 5
Werewasps in humanoid form often have two-toned hair color and a faint, humming timbre in their voices.
1 Artikel