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Monsters and NPCs

Neutral, any (Plane of Fire), Medium, Outsider, Challenge: 3
In the border areas between the Plane of Earth and Plane of Fire, volcanoes and continent-sized lava flows are commonplace. Elementals in this area tend to...
1 Artikel

Neutral, any land or water (Plane of Earth), Medium, Outsider, Challenge: 3
Where the Plane of Earth borders the Plane of Water, a mixing of the fundamental elements occurs-it is in this borderland that the mud elementals dwell....
10 Artikel

Lawful Evil, Desert, Medium, Monstrosity, Challenge: 6
Snake hair = extremely rare. :(
Nicht auf Lager

Lawful Evil, Desert, Medium, Monstrosity, Challenge: 6
Snake hair = extremely rare. :(
1 Artikel

This is an authentic LEGO piece, and not a painted copy like most of our other mephits.
20 Artikel

Neutral Evil, Desert, Small, Elemental, Challenge: 1/2
Not made by LEGO, and also painted.
17 Artikel

This is not made by LEGO, and it is painted.
19 Artikel

Not manufactured by LEGO, and also painted.
10 Artikel

Neutral Evil, Arctic, Small, Elemental, Challenge: 1/2
19 Artikel

Neutral Evil, Underdark, Small, Elemental, Challenge: 1/2
17 Artikel

Neutral Evil, Swamp, Small, Elemental, Challenge: 1/4
Not made by LEGO, and also painted.
13 Artikel

This is a LEGO piece, and not a painted copy like most of our other mephits.
3 Artikel

Not made by LEGO, and also painted.
10 Artikel

Neutral Evil, Urban, Small, Elemental, Challenge: 1/4
1 Artikel

Neutral Evil, Underwater, Small, Elemental, Challenge: 1/4
18 Artikel

Not made balso y LEGO, and painted.
18 Artikel

Neutral, Coastal, Underwater, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
2 Artikel

Neutral, Coastal, Underwater, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
2 Artikel

Neutral, Coastal, Underwater, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
2 Artikel

Neutral, Coastal, Underwater, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
1 Artikel

Neutral, Coastal, Underwater, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
1 Artikel

Neutral, Coastal, Underwater, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
7 Artikel

Neutral, Coastal, Underwater, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
Nicht auf Lager

Chaotic Evil, Coastal, Underwater, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 2
Nicht auf Lager