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Monsters and NPCs

Lawful Evil, Underdark, Tiny, Aberration, Challenge: 2
We know they are supposed to have 4 little legs, but Kraang makes a great intellect devourer. :)
Out of stock

Plain Hands, Neutral, Medium, Elemental, Challenge: 6
8 item(s)

Unaligned, Desert, Grassland, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
6 item(s)

Chaotic Evil, Desert, Grassland, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/2
2 item(s)

Chaotic Evil, Desert, Grassland, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/2
Out of stock

Neutral Evil, temperate orwarm plains, Large, Magical Beast, Challenge: 4
Although kamadans are certainly magical creatures, they share many psychological and sociological traits with other big cats. Even when hunting alone to...
2 item(s)

Neutral Evil, temperate orwarm plains, Large, Magical Beast, Challenge: 4
Although kamadans are certainly magical creatures, they share many psychological and sociological traits with other big cats. Even when hunting alone to...
4 item(s)

Neutral Evil, temperate orwarm plains, Large, Magical Beast, Challenge: 4
Although kamadans are certainly magical creatures, they share many psychological and sociological traits with other big cats. Even when hunting alone to...
3 item(s)

Neutral, temperate marshes or rivers, Small, Plant, Challenge: 3
Kawa akagos are plants that were spiritually fertilized by fragments of the restless spirits of drowned children, becoming carnivorous creatures that...
5 item(s)

Neutral, temperate marshes or rivers, Small, Plant, Challenge: 3
Kawa akagos are plants that were spiritually fertilized by fragments of the restless spirits of drowned children, becoming carnivorous creatures that...
2 item(s)

Neutral, temperate marshes or rivers, Small, Plant, Challenge: 3
Kawa akagos are plants that were spiritually fertilized by fragments of the restless spirits of drowned children, becoming carnivorous creatures that...
10 item(s)

Chaotic Neutral, Forest, Urban, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/4
1 item(s)

Chaotic Neutral, Forest, Urban, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/4
It is the curse of the Kenku that they can not fly. Some of them will go to great lengths to regain their lost wings.
2 item(s)

Chaotic Neutral, Forest, Urban, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/4
Extra steampunky!
6 item(s)

Unaligned, Underwater, Huge, Beast, Challenge: 3
Lego Duplo.
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Lawful Evil, Arctic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Hills, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark, Urban, Small, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
So on one hand, these are technically too large to be kobolds, but on the other hand it gives them more personality and the ability to hold weapons and...
Out of stock

Lawful Evil, Arctic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Hills, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark, Urban, Small, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
So on one hand, these are technically too large to be kobolds, but on the other hand it gives them more personality and the ability to hold weapons and...
3 item(s)

Chaotic Neutral, temperate forests, Small, Fey, Challenge: 4
Korreds are an ancient fey race who like forested areas with nice, rocky ground. They resemble small, wildhaired humanoids with wild, knotted hair. Korreds...
Out of stock

Neutral Evil, Underdark, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/4
7 item(s)

Neutral Evil, Underdark, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 6
Staff is included
2 item(s)

Neutral Evil, Underdark, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 6
Staff included.
2 item(s)

Neutral Evil, Underdark, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1
2 item(s)

Neutral Evil, Underdark, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 3
6 item(s)

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Neutral, any forest or hill, Small, Plant, Challenge: 1/2
Leaf leshys tend to the well-being of trees, whether natural stands or cultivated orchards. In appearance, they have soft, pulpy-looking bodies and wear...
40 item(s)