The only store completely dedicated to LEGO D&D and LEGO Pathfinder! Serving players and DMs alike!

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Monsters and NPCs

Chaotic Evil, anytemperate, Medium, Monstrous Humanoid, Challenge: 7
When the clouds turn gray and the winds pick up into a howl, wise travelers pray that the cause is only a natural tempest and not a storm hag. A storm hag...
1 item(s)

Chaotic Evil, cold forests or plains, Medium, Monstrous Humanoid, Challenge: 7
Winter hags are sadistic crones who haunt winter-blasted plains and rime-covered forests. A typical winter hag stands between 5 and 6 feet tall and weighs...
1 item(s)

A rare one. The gold-maned LEGO 'horse' is hard to come by. We modify it to have a horn.
2 item(s)

Any, Any, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 5
All kinds of Brick Warriors parts.
2 item(s)

Any, Any, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 5
2 item(s)

Any, Any, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 5
1 item(s)

Chaotic Evil, Coastal, Forest, Hills, Mountain, Medium, Monstrosity, Challenge: 1
Out of stock

Unaligned, Any, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
Not an ordinary hawk. Not LEGO.
11 item(s)

Unaligned, Any, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
9 item(s)

Unaligned, Any, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
Yeah, it's kinda sort of a parrot. We know. It's pretty hawk-esque though, with the big beak and gray feathers and all. We like this LEGO design because it...
5 item(s)

Although we use these for orcs, they are also suitable for making goblins if you use regular torsos and short legs
3 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Mountain, Underdark, Medium, Fiend, Challenge: 3
This piece (LEGO) is painted, and the eyes are crayon.
1 item(s)

Silver, Metallic Silver, Neutral Good, any good-aligned plane, Small, Outsider, Challenge: 2
Our most popular helmet is now back in stock! Cassisians are the weakest sort of angel, but are absolutely dedicated to the cause of good. They serve as...
73 item(s)

Black, Unaligned, Grassland, Hills, Mountain, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 1
1 item(s)

Unaligned, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
4 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underdark, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/2
Our most affordable hobgoblin. 0% LEGO.
2 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underdark, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/2
The hair is LEGO.
8 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underdark, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/2
The hair is LEGO, but the figure is not.
8 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underdark, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/2
1 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 4
This devastator features the new leathery brown cape from Adventure Bricks. The cape is straight, but we made it hang off of the side because we wanted...
2 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 4
This rather intimidating foe features a black crushed velvet cape from Adventure Bricks.
1 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 2
The mask is not LEGO. Everything else is.
6 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 2
The headpiece with horns is not made by LEGO.
3 item(s)