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Monsters and NPCs

Neutral, any (Plane of Fire), Medium, Outsider, Challenge: 3
In the border areas between the Plane of Earth and Plane of Fire, volcanoes and continent-sized lava flows are commonplace. Elementals in this area tend to...
1 Articles

Neutral, any land or water (Plane of Earth), Medium, Outsider, Challenge: 3
Where the Plane of Earth borders the Plane of Water, a mixing of the fundamental elements occurs-it is in this borderland that the mud elementals dwell....
10 Articles

Lawful Evil, Desert, Medium, Monstrosity, Challenge: 6
Snake hair = extremely rare. :(
Rupture de stock

Lawful Evil, Desert, Medium, Monstrosity, Challenge: 6
Snake hair = extremely rare. :(
1 Articles

This is an authentic LEGO piece, and not a painted copy like most of our other mephits.
20 Articles

Neutral Evil, Desert, Small, Elemental, Challenge: 1/2
Not made by LEGO, and also painted.
17 Articles

This is not made by LEGO, and it is painted.
19 Articles

Not manufactured by LEGO, and also painted.
10 Articles

Neutral Evil, Arctic, Small, Elemental, Challenge: 1/2
19 Articles

Neutral Evil, Underdark, Small, Elemental, Challenge: 1/2
17 Articles

Neutral Evil, Swamp, Small, Elemental, Challenge: 1/4
Not made by LEGO, and also painted.
13 Articles

This is a LEGO piece, and not a painted copy like most of our other mephits.
3 Articles

Not made by LEGO, and also painted.
10 Articles

Neutral Evil, Urban, Small, Elemental, Challenge: 1/4
1 Articles

Neutral Evil, Underwater, Small, Elemental, Challenge: 1/4
18 Articles

Not made balso y LEGO, and painted.
18 Articles

Neutral, Coastal, Underwater, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
2 Articles

Neutral, Coastal, Underwater, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
2 Articles

Neutral, Coastal, Underwater, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
2 Articles

Neutral, Coastal, Underwater, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
1 Articles

Neutral, Coastal, Underwater, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
1 Articles

Neutral, Coastal, Underwater, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
7 Articles

Neutral, Coastal, Underwater, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/8
Rupture de stock

Chaotic Evil, Coastal, Underwater, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 2
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Neutral Evil, Extraplanar (Lower Planes), Medium, Fiend, Challenge: 5
These heads are a bit hard to find, but they do work pretty well. Due to the scarcity of these heads, these creatures will probably always be low in stock....
Rupture de stock

This creature appears as a human cloaked in a gray, hooded robe. It moves with a shuffling gait, pushing a wooden cart that squeaks as it rolls along......

Reddish Brown, Neutral, Underdark, Urban, Medium, Monstrosity, Challenge: 2
We tried and tried to find a way to get nasty little teeth into this guy, but ultimately we just left it as it was. For other items that can be used as...
9 Articles

Lawful Evil, Underdark, Medium, Aberration, Challenge: 7
The LEGO mind flayer is one of my top 5 favorite creations. We created the robes especially for this one, and there are a limited number available.
3 Articles

Lawful Evil, Underdark, Medium, Aberration, Challenge: 7
The LEGO mind flayer is one of my top 5 favorite creations. We created the robes especially for this one, and there are a limited number available.
4 Articles

Lawful Evil, Underdark, Large, Undead, Challenge: 2
We offer these with your choice of horns. Minotaur skeletons do not come with a weapon.

Chaotic Evil, Underdark, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 3
This minifig is OK as the basic LEGO version, it looks fantastic with all of the gear from Brick Warriors and the HTF animal legs. You can also...
Rupture de stock

Chaotic Evil, Underdark, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 3
This minifig is OK as the basic LEGO version, it looks fantastic with all of the gear from Brick Warriors and the HTF animal legs. You can also...
Rupture de stock

Chaotic Evil, Underdark, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 3
This minifig is OK as the basic LEGO version, it looks fantastic with all of the gear from Brick Warriors and the HTF animal legs. You can also...
Rupture de stock

Rupture de stock

Chaotic Neutral, Any, Medium, Fey, Challenge: 6
Rupture de stock

1 Articles

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Mechanus), Medium, Construct, Challenge: 1/4
This cute little fellow is just waiting to kill you.
10 Articles

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Mechanus), Medium, Construct, Challenge: 1/8
10 Articles

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Mechanus), Large, Construct, Challenge: 2
7 Articles

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Mechanus), Medium, Construct, Challenge: 1
6 Articles

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Mechanus), Medium, Construct, Challenge: 1/2
9 Articles

not LEGO, Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
4 Articles

Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
1 Articles

LEGO, Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
2 Articles

Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
2 Articles

I like this morlock and all, but the parts are just so hard to find!
2 Articles

Not quite as cool as v1, but way more affordable. Also, there are 3 heads to choose from, and the last 2 are double-sided, which is handy if you need a...
2 Articles

Neutral, temperate orwarm marshes or underground, Medium, Outsider, Challenge: 6
Mudlords are agile creatures made of living mud. Some are natural elemental creatures, and others were created by long-term mixing of earth and magical...
6 Articles