The only store completely dedicated to LEGO D&D and Pathfinder! Serving players and DMs alike, since 2019!

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Monsters and NPCs

Lawful Evil, Extraplanar (Astral), Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 10
This one takes a lot of work. We do an arm swap and a hand swap on the torso with tan (which is a little hard to find), and then we add non-LEGO legs to...
1 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Extraplanar (Astral), Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 12
2 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Extraplanar (Astral), Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 14
1 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Extraplanar (Astral), Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 3
All parts are LEGO, but we do an arm and a hand swap using tan.
3 item(s)

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Limbo), Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 16
4 item(s)

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Limbo), Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 10
Head is not LEGO.
1 item(s)

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Limbo), Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 2
100% LEGO. We do an arm and hand swap to give him his tan skin.
5 item(s)

Any, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 5
2 item(s)

Any, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 5
Out of stock

Chaotic Evil, Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/2
The head and hood are LEGO. The cowl and Loincloth are Arealight. The cape is Adventure Bricks. The figure is... not LEGO, but awesome. ;)
Out of stock

Chaotic Evil, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Medium, Fiend, Challenge: 4
Out of stock

Chaotic Evil, Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1
Only the head is LEGO.
Out of stock

Chaotic Evil, Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/2
Only the head is LEGO.
Out of stock

Chaotic Evil, Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/2
Only the head is LEGO.
Out of stock

Chaotic Evil, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 2
Hair, head, and torso are LEGO. Legs and loincloth are not.
Out of stock

Chaotic Evil, Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/2
Only the head is LEGO.
Out of stock

Chaotic Evil, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/2
He could probably uses some armor, but you can buy that separately if you want to beef him up. Only the head is LEGO.
Out of stock

Chaotic Evil, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/2
Legs and loincloth are not made by LEGO.
Out of stock

Chaotic Evil, Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 9
Only the head is LEGO.
Out of stock

Neutral, any, Small, Animal, Challenge: 1/3
These goats are not made by LEGO, but they are amazingly awesome.
15 item(s)

Unaligned, Grassland, Hills, Mountain, Large, Beast, Challenge: 1/2
Not as giant as a Duplo goat, this guy still make a good mount or companion. Unfortunately the saddle is molded on, so you can't remove it, which makes this...
24 item(s)

Neutral Evil, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underdark, Small, Humanoid, Challenge: 1
3 item(s)

Neutral Evil, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underdark, Small, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/4
2 item(s)

Neutral Evil, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underdark, Small, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/4
This is a bit sophisticated for goblin armor, but beggars can't be choosers.
25 item(s)

Neutral Evil, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underdark, Small, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/4
71 item(s)

Lawful Good, Forest, Grassland, Medium, Dragon, Challenge: 3
6 item(s)

Lawful Good, Forest, Grassland, Gargantuan, Dragon, Challenge: 24
There are slight marks on the wings, but no cracks or breaks. Very good condition for one of the rarer Mega Bloks dragons.
Out of stock

Lawful Good, Forest, Grassland, Large, Dragon, Challenge: 10
A classic LEGO dragon, painted with gold paint.We are trying to keep costs down, but metallic spray paint is crazy expensive and most cans clog before we...
Out of stock

Neutral, Urban, Medium, Construct, Challenge: 5
2 item(s)

Neutral, Urban, Medium, Construct, Challenge: 5
2 item(s)

Neutral, Urban, Medium, Construct, Challenge: 5
Slightly disturbing, as it should be.
19 item(s)

Neutral, Urban, Medium, Construct, Challenge: 5
13 item(s)

Unaligned, Urban, Large, Construct, Challenge: 10
This is not LEGO.
2 item(s)

Unaligned, Urban, Large, Construct, Challenge: 10
This guy's been sitting outside for a while. He'd make a good guardian for the garden. This is not LEGO.
4 item(s)

Unaligned, Urban, Large, Construct, Challenge: 10
This is not LEGO.
2 item(s)

Unaligned, Urban, Large, Construct, Challenge: 10
Groot actually makes a really cool wood golem. :) This is not LEGO.
4 item(s)

Unaligned, Urban, Large, Construct, Challenge: 10
These are not made by LEGO. The LEGO ones are unfortunately too rare to find and keep in stock.
6 item(s)

Unaligned, Urban, Large, Construct, Challenge: 10
The body is not LEGO, but the head is.
10 item(s)

Unaligned, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 5
For the purists, here is a brick-built 100% LEGO brick version of the Gorgon. This is sized properly and is almost the exact same size as a LEGO cow....
3 item(s)

Neutral, any hills or plains, Small, Plant, Challenge: 1
With tangles of leafy vines for limbs and a carved gourd for a head, gourd leshys present a rather comical appearance. Intimately connected with the harvest...
1 item(s)

Unaligned, Underdark, Medium, Ooze, Challenge: 1/2
15 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Forest, Medium, Dragon, Challenge: 2
7 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Forest, Huge, Dragon, Challenge: 15
Overfed? Dwarfism? An oversized Drake? This dragon is thickly built with small wings. He looks fierce though! This was made by Mega Bloks....
2 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Forest, Huge, Dragon, Challenge: 15
Overfed? Dwarfism? An oversized Drake? This dragon is thickly built with small wings. He looks fierce though! This was made by Mega Bloks....
1 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Forest, Huge, Dragon, Challenge: 15
The wings are LEGO.
Out of stock

Lawful Evil, Forest, Gargantuan, Dragon, Challenge: 22
1 item(s)

$18.99 $17.99
Lawful Evil, Forest, Gargantuan, Dragon, Challenge: 22
Huuuge beastie! Made by Mega Bloks once upon a time. This image in incorrect! The wings are correct but the body is actually a lighter color that...
1 item(s)

$15.99 $13.99
Lawful Evil, Forest, Gargantuan, Dragon, Challenge: 22
Huge. Green. Made by Mega Bloks.
6 item(s)