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Unaligned, Underwater, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
Unfortunately LEGO only makes giant octopi. But this cute little alien head is the best solution we have found so far.
2 Artículos

Unaligned, Underwater, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
Unfortunately LEGO only makes giant octopi. But this cute little alien head is the best solution we have found so far.
1 Artículos

Red, Unaligned, Underwater, Large, Beast, Challenge: 1
4 Artículos

Chaotic Evil, Arctic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark, Large, Giant, Challenge: 2

Chaotic Evil, Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/2
24 Artículos

Chaotic Evil, Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 4
4 Artículos

Chaotic Evil, Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/2
3 Artículos

Chaotic Evil, Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark, Medium, Humanoid, Challenge: 1/2
1 Artículos

Red Bridle, Brown Mane, Neutral, temperate plains, Large, Animal, Challenge: 2
Keen-witted and powerful avian predators, axe beaks compete with wolves and hunting cats for prey upon vast, open steppes and prairies. Although feared for...

Neutral, any water, Tiny, Animal, Challenge: 1/4
Otters are curious and playful, and enjoy investigating new objects, sliding down wet rocks, and other simple games.
7 Artículos

Unaligned, Arctic, Forest, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
11 Artículos

Unaligned, Arctic, Forest, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
3 Artículos

Dark Gray, Unaligned, Arctic, Forest, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
2 Artículos

Unaligned, Arctic, Forest, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
7 Artículos

Unaligned, Arctic, Forest, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
1 Artículos

Unaligned, Arctic, Forest, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
5 Artículos

Unaligned, Arctic, Forest, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
5 Artículos

Unaligned, Arctic, Forest, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
1 Artículos

Unaligned, Forest, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 3
Give your party a scare with one of these nasty beasties! "The owlbear's reputation for ferocity, aggression, and sheer ill temper makes it one of the...

Neutral, warm ortemperate plains, Large, Animal, Challenge: 4
A pachycephalosaurus is a normally peaceful dinosaur that grows irate and violent during mating season or when its herd is intruded upon by potential...
2 Artículos

Neutral, warm ortemperate plains, Large, Animal, Challenge: 4
A pachycephalosaurus is a normally peaceful dinosaur that grows irate and violent during mating season or when its herd is intruded upon by potential...
2 Artículos

Neutral, warm ortemperate plains, Large, Animal, Challenge: 4
A pachycephalosaurus is a normally peaceful dinosaur that grows irate and violent during mating season or when its herd is intruded upon by potential...
1 Artículos

Neutral, warm ortemperate plains, Large, Animal, Challenge: 4
A pachycephalosaurus is a normally peaceful dinosaur that grows irate and violent during mating season or when its herd is intruded upon by potential...
2 Artículos

Neutral, warm ortemperate plains, Large, Animal, Challenge: 4
A pachycephalosaurus is a normally peaceful dinosaur that grows irate and violent during mating season or when its herd is intruded upon by potential...
2 Artículos