The only store completely dedicated to LEGO D&D and Pathfinder! Serving players and DMs alike, since 2019!

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Storm King's Thunder

$17.99 $16.99
Very Good, Lawful Evil, Coastal, Desert, Gargantuan, Dragon, Challenge: 23
The poor dwarf - he never even heard it coming... Made by Mega Bloks. The only thing LEGO-compatible about it is the saddle on the back. Otherwise it...
1 item(s)

Neutral Evil, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 3
100% LEGO with horns by Brick Warriors
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Neutral Evil, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 4
Even SKT admits that it is hard to tell males and females of the species apart. :)
1 item(s)

Neutral Evil, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 3
100% LEGO with horns by Brick Warrior.
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Neutral Evil, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 3
100% LEGO with horns by Brick Warriors.
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