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D&D 5e

Lawful Evil, Underdark, Medium, Aberration, Challenge: 7
This version of the mind flayer is all LEGO with blue wizard sleeves from Brick Warriors.
3 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Underdark, Medium, Aberration, Challenge: 7
This version of the mind flayer is all LEGO with wizard sleeves from Brick Warriors. The lime heads are getting rather rare.
1 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Underdark, Large, Undead, Challenge: 2
We offer these with your choice of horns. Minotaur skeletons do not come with a weapon.
1 item(s)

Chaotic Evil, Underdark, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 3
5 item(s)

Chaotic Evil, Underdark, Large, Monstrosity, Challenge: 3
Redesigned with better legs and more appropriate height! We really prefer the Brick Warriors heads, but since they haven't had them available for about...
5 item(s)

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Mechanus), Medium, Construct, Challenge: 1/4
This cute little fellow is just waiting to kill you.
8 item(s)

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Mechanus), Medium, Construct, Challenge: 1/8
10 item(s)

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Mechanus), Large, Construct, Challenge: 2
6 item(s)

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Mechanus), Medium, Construct, Challenge: 1
5 item(s)

Lawful Neutral, Extraplanar (Mechanus), Medium, Construct, Challenge: 1/2
This is the most complicated of the modrons to build! We worked very hard to come up with something that is actually shaped like an inverted pyramid.
8 item(s)

not LEGO, Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
Photo colors are a little off - body is reddish brown and hands/feet are yellow.
2 item(s)

LEGO, Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
The parts are all LEGO, although the body is painted.
1 item(s)

Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
3 item(s)

Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
4 item(s)

Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
Out of stock

Gray, Lawful Evil, Desert, Medium, Undead, Challenge: 3
1 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Desert, Medium, Undead, Challenge: 3
10 item(s)

Lawful Evil, Desert, Medium, Undead, Challenge: 3
This is very similar to the other small mummies, but it has fanciness.
1 item(s)

Black, Lawful Evil, any, Medium, Undead, Challenge: 10
2 item(s)

No Headpiece, Lawful Evil, any, Medium, Undead, Challenge: 10
1 item(s)

Neutral Evil, Medium, Undead, Challenge: 2
2 item(s)

Lawful Neutral, Underdark, Large, Plant, Challenge: 2
Out of stock

Lawful Neutral, Underdark, Large, Plant, Challenge: 2
Out of stock

Lawful Neutral, Underdark, Large, Plant, Challenge: 2
Out of stock