The only store completely dedicated to LEGO D&D and Pathfinder! Serving players and DMs alike, since 2019!

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Pathfinder Familiars

3 item(s)

Similar to a tortoise, this giant turtle is still at home in the water and wet environments.
1 item(s)

4 item(s)

4 item(s)

This little guy (elven hamster) is pretty rare compared to the other LEGO hamsters
4 item(s)

5 item(s)

Unaligned, Any, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
Not an ordinary hawk. Not LEGO.
10 item(s)

Unaligned, Any, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
8 item(s)

Unaligned, Any, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
Yeah, it's kinda sort of a parrot. We know. It's pretty hawk-esque though, with the big beak and gray feathers and all. We like this LEGO design because it...
4 item(s)

Why not?
2 item(s)

Unaligned, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
4 item(s)

1 item(s)

not LEGO, Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
Photo colors are a little off - body is reddish brown and hands/feet are yellow.
2 item(s)

LEGO, Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
The parts are all LEGO, although the body is painted.
1 item(s)

Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
3 item(s)

Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
4 item(s)

Unaligned, Forest, Hills, Small, Beast, Challenge: 0
Out of stock

Neutral, any water, Tiny, Animal, Challenge: 1/4
Otters are curious and playful, and enjoy investigating new objects, sliding down wet rocks, and other simple games. This is not made by LEGO.
4 item(s)

Dark Gray, Unaligned, Arctic, Forest, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
1 item(s)

Unaligned, Arctic, Forest, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
5 item(s)

Unaligned, Arctic, Forest, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
11 item(s)

Unaligned, Arctic, Forest, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
3 item(s)

Unaligned, Arctic, Forest, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
2 item(s)

Unaligned, Arctic, Forest, Tiny, Beast, Challenge: 0
1 item(s)