The only store completely dedicated to LEGO D&D and LEGO Pathfinder! Serving players and DMs alike!

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Head Color
  • Light Flesh
  • Medium Tan Flesh
  • Dark Orange
Facial Hair
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In Stock

Humans, Elves, Dwarves

The eyeliner is a bit dark in the photo, but it is definitely blue.
6 item(s)

3 item(s)

2 item(s)

1 item(s)

1 item(s)

12 item(s)

24 item(s)

The bard is totally into his song.
1 item(s)

18 item(s)

2 item(s)

1 item(s)

1 item(s)

Harry Who? Seriously, have some fun: Make a Human Wizard, use this head, and name him... Gary Trotter. (Barry Blotter? Larry Hotter?)
Out of stock

Just your friendly neighborhood psycho killer...
3 item(s)

This is not made by LEGO. It is also not a copy of a LEGO head.
1 item(s)

7 item(s)

2 item(s)

6 item(s)

5 item(s)

4 item(s)