The only store completely dedicated to LEGO D&D and Pathfinder! Serving players and DMs alike, since 2019!

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Head Color
  • Light Flesh
  • Medium Tan Flesh
  • Dark Orange
Facial Hair
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In Stock

Humans, Elves, Dwarves

Female, Yellow and Light Yellow (Blonde), Braids and Buns
10 item(s)

Female, Dark Brown, Long, Plain/Straight, Braids and Buns
5 item(s)

Female, Orange and Dark Orange, Long, Plain/Straight, Braids and Buns
2 item(s)

Female, Black, Long, Plain/Straight, Braids and Buns
This is not made by LEGO. It is a clone of a LEGO piece, but in a color that LEGO never made.
10 item(s)

Female, Dark Tan, Long, Plain/Straight, Braids and Buns
This is not made by LEGO.
10 item(s)

Female, Yellow and Light Yellow (Blonde), Long, Plain/Straight, Braids and Buns
10 item(s)

Female, Yellow and Light Yellow (Blonde), Long, Plain/Straight, Braids and Buns
7 item(s)

Female, Black, Long, Curly, Ponytails and Pigtails
10 item(s)

Female, Dark Brown, Long, Curly
8 item(s)

Female, Purples, Long, Curly
This is a color that LEGO never made.
10 item(s)

Female, Black, Long, Plain/Straight
5 item(s)

Female, Black, Long, Plain/Straight
14 item(s)

Female, Black, Long, Plain/Straight
9 item(s)

Female, Blues, Long, Plain/Straight
Here's an interesting color that LEGO never made!
9 item(s)

Female, Dark Brown, Long, Plain/Straight
4 item(s)

Female, Dark Brown, Long, Plain/Straight
6 item(s)

Female, Orange and Dark Orange, Long, Plain/Straight
2 item(s)

Female, Yellow and Light Yellow (Blonde), Long, Plain/Straight
19 item(s)

Female, Black, Long, Plain/Straight
1 item(s)

Female, Black, Long, Plain/Straight, Center Part
5 item(s)

Female, Yellow and Light Yellow (Blonde), Long, Plain/Straight
Well here's an interesting piece. We have to do some tests to see exactly what armor it can fit over, but we finally have a piece from LEGO specifically...
5 item(s)

Female, Black, Long, Plain/Straight, Braids and Buns
2 item(s)

Female, Dark Brown, Long, Plain/Straight
4 item(s)

Male, Female, Yellow and Light Yellow (Blonde), Long, Plain/Straight
4 item(s)