The only store completely dedicated to LEGO D&D and Pathfinder! Serving players and DMs alike, since 2019!

Narrow Your Search

Hair Color
  • Yellow and Light Yellow (Blonde)
  • Tan (Dirty Blonde)
  • Light Brown
  • Reddish Brown
  • Dark Brown
  • Dark Tan
  • Black
  • Orange and Dark Orange
  • Red and Dark Red
  • Gray and White
  • Magenta or Pink
  • Blues
  • Greens
  • Purples
  • Multiple Colors
Hair Style
Other Features
In Stock

Hair and Beards

Male, Dark Brown
We are excited to finally have these in stock. These are not LEGO, but they are in a very usable color that LEGO has never made!
27 item(s)

Male, Orange and Dark Orange
3 item(s)

Male, Gray and White
33 item(s)

Male, Gray and White
62 item(s)

Male, Black, Long
9 item(s)

$2.10 $1.99
Male, Orange and Dark Orange, Long
5 item(s)

Male, Black, Wavy
A hard color to find for this style of beard.
7 item(s)

Male, Gray and White, Wavy
22 item(s)

Male, Metallic (Silver/Gold), Wavy
5 item(s)

Male, Gray and White, Wavy
23 item(s)

Female, Black, Plain/Straight, Black
7 item(s)

Female, Reddish Brown, Braids and Buns, White
3 item(s)

Female, Orange and Dark Orange, Long, Braids and Buns, Purples and Pinks
2 item(s)

Male, Female, Dark Brown, Long, Plain/Straight, Blues
1 item(s)

Male, Black, Short, Plain/Straight
23 item(s)

Male, Dark Brown, Short, Plain/Straight
11 item(s)

Male, Reddish Brown, Short, Plain/Straight
14 item(s)

Male, Female, Black, Long, Braids and Buns
4 item(s)

Male, Black, Short, Curly
20 item(s)

Male, Blues, Short, Curly
2 item(s)

Male, Dark Brown, Short, Curly
10 item(s)

Male, Red and Dark Red, Short, Plain/Straight
4 item(s)

Male, Female, Greens, Short
1 item(s)

Male, Female, Purples, Short
13 item(s)