The only store completely dedicated to LEGO D&D and Pathfinder! Serving players and DMs alike, since 2019!

Adventure Bricks was founded in 2018 with a simple but massive goal: to be THE complete source for LEGO® and LEGO-compatible bricks for tabletop RPG systems such as Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder. We have painstakingly scoured the catalog of LEGO® products from the past 4 decades and combined it with 3rd-party brick makers (Mega Bloks, AreaLight, Brick Warriors, Brick Forge, Etc) to create the largest and most targeted collection of bricks for role playing use ever!

Our current site has over 6000 items for sale, and we are not done yet. We are continually designing new creatures and acquiring new (and newly discovered) pieces to add to the site.

If you have any questions or comments, recommendations or requests, please contact us!!! We are always looking to improve our offerings and our site, and we highly value visitor and customer feedback!

Located in York, Pennsylvania in the USA, we are a small business comprised of 1 Dad and his 2 daughters (A true D&D business! ha!). Every purchase you make not only goes to help pay my bills and fund my awesomely talented children's music (, but it also helps fund my new designs since I am constantly working on new creatures and looking for ways to build every monster ever.

We believe that LEGO D&D is a great idea whose time has finally come. AND IN 2024, LEGO APPARENTLY DECIDED THE SAME THING. Grab some minifigs in one hand and your dice in the other, and have fun!