The only store completely dedicated to LEGO D&D and Pathfinder! Serving players and DMs alike, since 2019!

Quiet July = Noisy August

by Tim Redmond

I have been really really busy this month. Life does that sometimes. But I have continued to design new things and photograph new additions for the site. I am very happy with my new brick-built troll design and I have finally started on an ogre and I will try to get them completed and on the site in 1-2 months.

I will make no specific predictions or promises, but Fall is usually my most active season for adding new things to the site, and all I will say is that this year will be no exception. I always make plans and then they always fall through, but right now August looks like a very busy month here regarding new additions. I am trying to downplay it and not get too excited.


We loved the sheep, we are also looking forward to some really cool Addition to the site collection. Maybe something scary? Ha! The site I a great you have our thanks.

Keep creating
Love all the new stuff, one small request: can you start selling bricktactical hoods and jackets?

Reply: AdventureBricks already makes these, I just have to get them listed. I'll see if I can make it a priority!
Always excited to see new designs, even if they are downplayed! I hope the upcoming new D&D core books result in new DMs finding adventurebricks.
Always happy to see you add new stuff!!
Super excited to see all the new stuff! you're website is always the best for buying lego.
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