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Progress! (I still hate winter)

by Tim Redmond

OK, so despite the fact that winter is dragging on for an eternity, I have at least managed to get the Fire Giants done and I updated some existing monsters as well. I also added some Dragonborn/Half-Dragon pieces (wings) as individual items now, and by month's end all of the metallic dragon heads/wings/tails should be available (winter again - too cold to paint). The biggest news right now is that I have made significant progress on the Umber Hulk and it should finally be added to the site, crossing yet another monster off of my list. Following this, I am aiming for a complete Angel and Drow overhaul, since they have been very popular but also very out of stock.

I am feeling motivated today, so here is a haiku, for no real reason:

Winter keeps a tight grasp,
but the tulips are laughing,
beneath the hard ground.


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