The only store completely dedicated to LEGO D&D and Pathfinder! Serving players and DMs alike, since 2019!

Facebook was hacked. *sigh*

by Tim Redmond

This website is 100% fine and is unaffected. The facebook page though is no longer under my control and since facebook SUCKS I am quite confident that I will never be able to get it back. I may set up a new FB page soon, but for now just ignore anything on "my" facebook page. If anyone knows of a class-action lawsuit against FB, I'm all ears. From the most recent numbers I could obtain, FB hackers access approximately 1 MILLION accounts every year in the USA alone. That is pathetic security by FB. In my case, the hackers were allowed to use an email address from over 10 years ago to access a recovery code which they then used to reset my phone, email, and password so that I have no valid recovery path. I'm still not sure how an old email was used for this, but I actually got an email to my current account that said my old email was used to log in! And of course this always happens at like 2-3:00 AM so that you are asleep and can't do anything about it until it is far too late. THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS.


Ugh, sorry to hear about that. Luckily, I try to steer anyone who will listen to me towards your site! Playing wargames with minifigures is my new guilty pleasure, and I make great use of many things I have bought from you.
Sorry to hear this! This is exactly why we can't have nice things!
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